
An average Finnish male is an engineer and his wife works in healthcare sector. Average Finnish male drives a wagon and do sports at least twice a week. Most popular sports are jogging, skiing or cycling. So I quess I am pretty average guy.

My name is Mikko Kurkela and I come from Finland. More precisly from Rovaniemi, the home of Santa Claus. I am 25 years old computer geek who likes to do sports, read non-fiction books, play MMO computer games and enjoy good food.

I am recently graduated (Bachelor of Engineering) software developer from Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences. At the moment I am working in Raute as software engineer.

At free time I do sports. On junior series I used to compete on individual endurance sports like cross-country skiing, orienteering and ski-orienteering. Recently I haven’t been competing except in orienteering but not that serious as in past. Still sports has important part of my life. Aikido has became my main activity. At winter I enjoy telemark skiing.

I am a person who get excited on many things. Unluckily it is not possible to do everything…

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